Wednesday, March 27, 2024, 11:20 AM - 12:30 PM
Parallel session - Delegates room (floor -2)
Start-up pitching time!
A dynamic session where start-ups present their innovative solutions and business models related to space resources, offering insights into the future of space resources entrepreneurship.
Moderated by Lari Cujko - European Space Resources Innovation Centre (ESRIC)
- Four Point
- Lightigo Space
- Sira Space
- FibreCoat
- Imensus
- SolsysMining
- Orbital Mininig Corporation
- Spacebackend
Filip Janasz, FourPoint Space
Inna Uwarowa, Lightigo Space sarl
Gurur Gaye Günal, Şira Space
Alexander Lüking, Institut für Textiltechnik RWTH Aachen University
Pascal Koch, IMENSUS
Olav Cornelius, IMENSUS - Space Resource Exploration
Ethel Tolentino, SolSys Mining
Mark Tolton, Orbital Mining Corporation
Kenneth Liang, Orbital Mining Corporation
Dmitry Goldenberg, Spacebackend
Inna Uwarowa, Lightigo Space sarl
Gurur Gaye Günal, Şira Space
Alexander Lüking, Institut für Textiltechnik RWTH Aachen University
Pascal Koch, IMENSUS
Olav Cornelius, IMENSUS - Space Resource Exploration
Ethel Tolentino, SolSys Mining
Mark Tolton, Orbital Mining Corporation
Kenneth Liang, Orbital Mining Corporation
Dmitry Goldenberg, Spacebackend